
Do you drive fast? Do you like to skydive? Do you like to take part in other high-risk activities? Do you like to partake in recreational marijuana use?

Lifestyle Insurance - My Family Life InsuranceYou may think, “Yeah, so what?”

Well, these activities matter to insurance companies, and they like to incorporate lifestyle situations and choices into the underwriting process. It makes sense. For example, if you have a past history of reckless driving, you are a higher-risk factor than someone who drives the speed limit.

Here are some of the lifestyle areas insurance companies look at:

Drug Use – usually uninsurable if you currently use. If no longer, generally 5 years of no use or treatment

High-Risk Activities – skydiving and deep-water scuba diving, for example. Some professions may be deemed high-risk as well, such as tree cutting

Felonies – depending on the severity, can be a decline

Motor Vehicle Driving – excessive reckless driving record could be a rating or a decline

Marijuana Use – as the political climate changes on this, some insurance companies have relaxed their stance on marijuana use. If used for medicinal purposes, usually there is no rating. If recreational use, some companies have dropped the tobacco rating and replaced the health classification as non-tobacco/standard rating (assuming no other health or lifestyle complications).

Financial Problems – Have you been bankrupt or have a very poor credit score? Carriers also consider your “financial health” or your ability to pay your premiums. A completely healthy person could conceivably be denied a policy if he or she had a recent bankruptcy.

Think you just won’t tell the truth? Well, that probably won’t work. Through their underwriting process, insurance companies can see a picture of your medical history through the Medical Information Bureau (MIB for short), which is supported by member insurance companies (Contrary to popular belief, the MIB does not hold or keep your medical information!), a prescription drug check, or your driving history through your driver’s license number. It’s just best to be honest on the application as being upfront will always allow you a chance at a better outcome.

There is good news, as alluded to the recreational use of Marijuana. Each insurance company underwrites these lifestyle choices differently. For instance, one insurance company may blindly rate all scuba diving activities whereas another one may not rate scuba activities of less than 100 feet and limited to only 20 dives per year. One insurance company may rate upon two major speeding tickets within a year while another may rate upon three tickets.

This brings us to a final point: We have helped many people in similar situations and would be happy to help you. Feel free to call, text, or email us.

Please review some of our lifestyle articles:

If you are on Medicaid.

Marijuana users.

If you make mistakes on your life insurance beneficiary designation.

If you have any felonies or criminal records.

People who have a substance abuse history.

If you enjoy skydiving.

People who vape and use e-cigarettes.

If you have a DUI in your history.

If you receive SSDI benefits.

Death from drug overdose.

Life insurance for pilots

Bad driving record and history.

Participating vs. non-participating life insurance

life insurance and divorce

reasons why your life insurance won’t pay out

If you receive SSI benefits and need life insurance

Already know what you need? You can apply yourself!

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As an independent agency working with over 70 insurance carriers, we at My Family Life Insurance can help.

We pay attention to your specific situation, matching the right insurance with your lifestyle.