How To Save Your Home With Massachusetts Long-Term Care Insurance [Here Are The Steps And Information You Need To Protect Your Home]

Updated: April 12, 2024 at 9:40 am

Nurse Helping Patient In Using WalkerMassachusetts residents who possess long-term care insurance are granted a unique provision. The provision is the only of its kind in the nation.

Let’s back up a bit. You’ve probably heard about people losing their homes during the estate recovery process. This happens when the state’s Medicaid department files for a claim on your loved one’s estate for using Medicaid for long-term care needs. The state wants to recoup what it paid to your family member.

Continue reading How To Save Your Home With Massachusetts Long-Term Care Insurance [Here Are The Steps And Information You Need To Protect Your Home]

How To Choose The Right Medicare Insurance Plan

Updated: April 12, 2024 at 9:40 am

Medicare written on a speechbubbleI had a Medicare beneficiary once say to me, “John, this is all a maze. It is so confusing. No wonder why people don’t know what they have or make mistakes.” He was referring to the Medicare insurance selection process. If you don’t know what our practice is about, we really focus on educating our clients so they can understand how the options selected. The same holds true for selecting your Medicare plan. If you choose the right Medicare insurance plan, I guarantee you will save a TON of money over your lifetime. How do you do this? We discuss that here. In this article, we discuss how to choose the right Medicare insurance plan. Continue reading How To Choose The Right Medicare Insurance Plan

How To Pick The Right Part D Medicare Prescription Plan In 4 Steps

Updated: April 12, 2024 at 9:40 am

right part d Medicare prescription planAt some point, unless you don’t have prescription drug care through your former employer, you will need to pick a Part D Medicare prescription drug plan.

Selecting the right part D prescription drug plan is a major decision. Picking the wrong one could cost you thousands over your lifetime. Fortunately, choosing the right one can be easy.

Here in this article, we discuss how to pick the right part D Medicare prescription plan in 4 easy steps.

Continue reading How To Pick The Right Part D Medicare Prescription Plan In 4 Steps

Long-Term Care Insurance Tax Deduction | How It Helps & Other Tax Advantages

Updated: April 12, 2024 at 9:40 am

When people think of long-term care insurance, a favorable tax deduction is the last they think of.

Why? Well, traditional long-term care insurance has had a bad rap these days. It seems like everyone knows premiums have increased through the roof. (FYI – they have stabilized, though.)

Moreover, people don’t like the “use-it-or-lose-it” stigma associated with traditional long-term care insurance. We understand. As we have discussed, however, you will probably need some type of long-term care in your future.

Did you know that traditional long-term care insurance offers a really nice tax deduction as well as other awesome tax benefits?

Continue reading Long-Term Care Insurance Tax Deduction | How It Helps & Other Tax Advantages

Disability Insurance For Mechanics [Here’s What You Need To Know]

Updated: April 12, 2024 at 9:40 am

There’s not a lot of time for mechanics to think about disability insurance, right?

If you are a mechanic, your work is hands-on. And, busy! You enjoy the challenge of fixing and solving problems. Moreover, you particularly enjoy how you help your customers get back to their everyday life!  You rely on your technical skills as well as your physical ability to get the job done.

What if you could no longer do that job? Have you ever thought about what would happen if you became sick, ill, injured, and disabled? How would bills be paid if you could not work? The lifestyle you worked so hard for and your future plans could quickly be affected.

Continue reading Disability Insurance For Mechanics [Here’s What You Need To Know]