Your Final Expense Insurance Could Be Taken By Nursing Homes – Unless You Do This

Updated: April 12, 2024 at 9:40 am

Elder Man Is Too Weak to Walk UnaidedIf you have a final expense life insurance policy, you probably don’t think it could affect your care in nursing homes.

We know you did the right thing. You purchased a final expense insurance policy to take care of your burial expenses and leave some money to your spouse or surviving heirs upon your death. And, you feel good about the decision. It is a good one: you don’t want them to worry about paying for a funeral while grieving. Of course, you want to leave a legacy for your family as well.

But you weren’t aware of a potential problem with nursing homes and life insurance (which is final expense insurance).

Continue reading Your Final Expense Insurance Could Be Taken By Nursing Homes – Unless You Do This

How To Protect Assets From Nursing Home Costs [Using A Trust]

Updated: April 12, 2024 at 9:40 am

protect assets from nursing home costsHow to protect assets from nursing home costs is on the top of people’s minds.

In a study administered by the Associated Press and the NORC Center for Public Research, about 70% of survey respondents (1,019 in total respondents) stated they were worried about having to pay for these services. With the growing costs of these services, no wonder why.

Additionally, the average annual cost of skilled nursing care for a semi-private room is going through the roof. Add to the fact that the Department of Health and Human Services state that 7 out of 10 people over age 65 will experience a long-term care event at some point during the rest of their lifetime, no wonder people are uneasy.

Most individuals and families wonder how to protect assets from nursing home costs. Do you share the same feelings?

In this article, we discuss who pays for nursing home costs and alternatives to protect your assets from nursing home costs, namely using a trust.

Continue reading How To Protect Assets From Nursing Home Costs [Using A Trust]

Can I Obtain Life Insurance If I Have HIV?

Updated: April 12, 2024 at 9:40 am

Life Insurance If I Have HIVCan I obtain life insurance if I have HIV? The short answer – yes.

The life insurance industry is changing for the better. Some insurers are not only adjusting policy premiums through monitored healthy ways (like fit bit), but also opening or expanding insurance coverage opportunities to impaired health conditions such as type 1 diabetes. These coverage options are greater today thanks impart to technology, advances in health care, and people generally living longer with these conditions. Young Americans living with HIV have a great chance of living into their 70s.

Continue reading Can I Obtain Life Insurance If I Have HIV?

Life Insurance: What Is The MIB?

Updated: April 12, 2024 at 9:40 am

What is the MIBHave you ever heard of the MIB? Nope, in this case, we aren’t talking about a bunch of men, dressed in black, looking for aliens. You may have heard of this acronym if you applied for any type of personal insurance (life, health, disability, critical illness, and long-term care) on yourself. Contrary to what you may have heard from another agent or think, the MIB isn’t some evil organization out to “get you” (or find aliens).

In this article, we will describe the importance of the MIB and their role in the underwriting process. After reading this article, you may even be happy the MIB exists, and understand that they are your friend in the underwriting process (Ok, we won’t go that far :)). Continue reading Life Insurance: What Is The MIB?