Best Disability Insurance For Housekeepers And Housecleaners [Why You Need To Protect Your Income]

Updated: April 12, 2024 at 9:40 am

disability insurance for housekeepers and housecleanersHousekeepers and housecleaners probably don’t think of disability insurance, right?

You are busy! Moreover, your work can be tough, though. However, you enjoy beautifying your client’s homes or offices. You also particularly enjoy how much your clients appreciate you for the work you do!

What if you could no longer do that job? Have you ever thought about what would happen if you became sick, ill, injured, and disabled? How would bills be paid if you could not work? What would you do? A disability affects the lifestyle you worked so hard for, your family, and your future plans.

Luckily, there is a type of insurance that protects you, your family, and your income. In this article, we discuss disability insurance and the best disability insurance for housekeepers and housecleaners.

Continue reading Best Disability Insurance For Housekeepers And Housecleaners [Why You Need To Protect Your Income]

How To Coordinate VA Benefits And Medicare The Right Way | Understand Your Situation To Make The Best Decision

Updated: April 12, 2024 at 9:40 am

Sign for Department of Veterans AffairsVeterans: first, we thank you for your service. If you are approaching age 65, or beyond this age already, you might be wondering about Medicare and how it works with your Veteran’s Affairs (VA) benefits. It can be tricky and mistakes happen.

The good news? You have options for your health insurance. The bad news? Yes, it can be confusing. In this article, we discuss how your VA benefits work with Medicare. Continue reading How To Coordinate VA Benefits And Medicare The Right Way | Understand Your Situation To Make The Best Decision

Best Disability Insurance For Dentists And Dental Surgeons [The Best Ones We Feel To Protect Your Career, Income, And Family]

Updated: April 12, 2024 at 9:40 am

Disability Insurance For Dentists and Dental SurgeonsAs a dentist or dental surgeon, you know you need disability insurance. But, which carrier do you choose? There are so many options. The good news is that we did the dirty work. In this article, we break down the best disability insurance for dentists and dental surgeons.

We discuss some of the various plan options that exist for dentists and dental surgeons. Remember, the right disability insurance policy is the one that meets your needs and budget. Of course, the premium spend is important. However, what is more important is having a plan that meets your family, business, and lifestyle needs.

Continue reading Best Disability Insurance For Dentists And Dental Surgeons [The Best Ones We Feel To Protect Your Career, Income, And Family]

8 Reasons Why A Discount Dental Plan Is Better Than Dental Insurance

Updated: April 12, 2024 at 9:40 am

discount dental plan is better than dental insuranceAre you trying to decide if dental insurance is right for you?  While we find that dental insurance is a great choice to protect your teeth long-term, it does come with some drawbacks for some people. There are other options. One popular option is a discount dental plan. Never heard of a discount dental plan? In this article, we discuss the 8 reasons why a discount dental plan is better than dental insurance.


Continue reading 8 Reasons Why A Discount Dental Plan Is Better Than Dental Insurance

How To Save Your Home With Massachusetts Long-Term Care Insurance [Here Are The Steps And Information You Need To Protect Your Home]

Updated: April 12, 2024 at 9:40 am

Nurse Helping Patient In Using WalkerMassachusetts residents who possess long-term care insurance are granted a unique provision. The provision is the only of its kind in the nation.

Let’s back up a bit. You’ve probably heard about people losing their homes during the estate recovery process. This happens when the state’s Medicaid department files for a claim on your loved one’s estate for using Medicaid for long-term care needs. The state wants to recoup what it paid to your family member.

Continue reading How To Save Your Home With Massachusetts Long-Term Care Insurance [Here Are The Steps And Information You Need To Protect Your Home]