Rated Or Declined For Disability Insurance Coverage? Here Are Your Options

Updated: April 12, 2024 at 9:39 am

If you’ve been rated, declined, or received a counteroffer for disability insurance coverage, you probably think it is the end of the world.

You better believe it, John, you say.

It is such an important, yet overlooked, insurance policy. It not only protects your family, but also protects YOU, your income-earning ability, and YOUR future.

All things being equal, we opine that disability insurance is more important than term life insurance, your auto insurance, and your homeowners insurance. (We all agree that those are really, really important, too.)

Underwriting for disability insurance is usually stringent. Much more than life insurance. Have you been rated or declined for disability insurance? Or received a counteroffer?

If so, you may think, “Just forget it. I don’t need this $%&# insurance!”

We say, hold on a minute. Let’s analyze this situation in more detail. In this article, we explain the options available for those people rated or declined for disability insurance.

Continue reading Rated Or Declined For Disability Insurance Coverage? Here Are Your Options

Best Disability Insurance For Florists

Updated: April 12, 2024 at 9:39 am

disability insurance for floristsAs a florist, your work is hands on. You enjoy creating beautiful floral arrangements and making your customers and clients feel good. Moreover, you particularly enjoy using your creativity and talents!  What if you could no longer do the job you love? Have you ever thought what would happen if you became sick, ill, injured, and disabled? How would you pay your bills if you could not work? Disability quickly affects your future plans and the lifestyle you worked so hard for. In this article, we discuss disability insurance and the best disability insurance for florists.

Continue reading Best Disability Insurance For Florists

A Better Option For Life Insurance Waiver Of Premium Rider

Updated: April 12, 2024 at 9:39 am

waiver of premium

You know that life insurance is important coverage. However, did you know that you still have to pay your life insurance premiums even if you are disabled, not working, and not making money? Therefore, many carriers offer a waiver of premium rider on their life insurance.

The life insurance waiver of premium rider waives your premiums if you are disabled and can’t pay the premiums on your policy.

Sounds great, right?

But, is it worth it? Have you checked? Do you know?

Continue reading A Better Option For Life Insurance Waiver Of Premium Rider

Best Disability Insurance For Court Reporters | We Discuss Purpose, Plan Options, Estimated Premiums, And Characteristics Of A Solid Policy

Updated: April 12, 2024 at 9:39 am

disability insurance for court reporters

Court reporters probably don’t think of disability insurance right away. But, they should.

You are healthy, and you probably think a disability can’t happen to you.

Sure, you are probably healthy. However, have you ever thought about what could happen if you could no longer do your job?

Have you ever thought about what would happen if you became sick, ill, injured, and disabled? Moreover, how that disability affects your family?

How would you pay your bills if you could not work?

Continue reading Best Disability Insurance For Court Reporters | We Discuss Purpose, Plan Options, Estimated Premiums, And Characteristics Of A Solid Policy