Burial Insurance For Sickle Cell Anemia

Updated: April 12, 2024 at 9:39 am

to describe differences of sickle cell anemia for burial insuranceRecently, we spoke to a woman who was looking for burial insurance for her husband. She was looking for life insurance to cover his burial and funeral expenses. This is a common reason for burial insurance. She explained to us that he had a health condition, which is no big deal. We all have health conditions. And, burial insurance fits nicely for people with health conditions. However, the health condition he has is sickle cell anemia. Sickle cell anemia changes your life insurance and burial insurance options.  There are still options, but not as many.

In this article, we discuss affordable burial insurance for people with sickle cell anemia. We first discuss burial insurance underwriting and then discuss your options for burial insurance for people with sickle cell anemia.

Continue reading Burial Insurance For Sickle Cell Anemia

Using The Right Income For Disability Insurance

Updated: April 12, 2024 at 9:39 am

Make no mistake about how important disability insurance is. We have written about the importance of disability insurance ad nauseam. Recall that disability insurance pays YOU a benefit in case you can’t work due to a disabling condition. That disability benefit from the insurance carrier is based on the income you have made.

Insuring your income (that’s essentially what disability insurance is) sounds easy. However, discrepancies happen. For example, sometimes, a disability insurance carrier will exclude your income from coverage. It’s true!

What if you use the wrong income amount on the application? Or, what happens if your income increases? Additionally, what if you have several sources of income from different occupations? What do you do?

Continue reading Using The Right Income For Disability Insurance

Affordable Burial Insurance For Oxygen Use

Updated: April 12, 2024 at 9:39 am

Burial Insurance For People Who use oxygen Recently, we answered a call from a nice gentleman named “Joe”. (Not his real name.) He was looking for life insurance to cover his burial and funeral expenses. He retired, and the life insurance from his company was not portable. Joe explained to us that he had a health condition, which is no big deal. We all have health conditions. And, burial insurance (life insurance designed to pay for your funeral and burial expenses) fits nicely for people with health conditions. However, he then told us about his oxygen use. Using oxygen changes your life insurance and burial insurance options.  There are still options, but not as many.

In this article, we discuss affordable burial insurance for people who use oxygen. We first discuss burial insurance underwriting and then discuss your options for burial insurance for oxygen use.

Continue reading Affordable Burial Insurance For Oxygen Use

Best Disability Insurance For Acupuncturists

Updated: April 12, 2024 at 9:39 am

disability insurance acupuncturistsAs an acupuncturist, relief is your middle name. You enjoy the challenge of helping your clients manage their pain and other health conditions. Moreover, you particularly enjoy how unique your job is!  No day is the same. You rely on your education and experience as well as your physical ability to get the job done. What if you could no longer do your job? Have you ever thought what would happen if you became sick, ill, injured, and disabled? How would you pay your bills if you could not work? Disability quickly affects your future plans and the lifestyle you worked so hard for. In this article, we discuss disability insurance and the best disability insurance for acupuncturists.

Continue reading Best Disability Insurance For Acupuncturists

Affordable Supplemental Pregnancy Insurance

Updated: April 12, 2024 at 9:39 am

pregnancy insuranceHaving a baby is expensive. You can look no further than the back page of the summary of benefits of your major medical policy. There, you’ll see an estimated cost of your pregnancy. Most pregnancies command out-of-pocket expenses into the thousands – after your major medical insurance paid its share. This excludes any high-risk testing, a cesarean birth, or a high-risk pregnancy. While the potential costs seem overwhelming, supplemental pregnancy insurance helps pay for these out-of-pocket expenses. A supplemental health insurance policy (like supplemental pregnancy insurance) pays for these costs “gaps” that your underlying health insurance doesn’t pay.

Continue reading Affordable Supplemental Pregnancy Insurance